Hello World,

Elon Musk is using AI to create babysitting robots, while Bill Gates thinks AI might one day solve world hunger. Apparently now AI can even write better than Billy Shakespeare.

With all this noise, where do we draw the line between hype and reality?

Me? I’m not here to write sonnets or remove parents, I’m simply trying to find practical uses for AI to supercharge my curiosity - bringing momentum and action to client projects, helping ideas move further, faster.

I’ve worked in creative agencies, at tech giants like Google, and with global brands like Bacardi. Along the way, I’ve learned how to blend creativity, data, and technology to solve real problems and spark new ideas.

Now, with AI as the greatest creative partner I’ve ever had, I’m working faster and smarter, finding better ways to turn obstacles into opportunities. It’s a tool to help us think bigger, create more, and bring fresh energy to everything we do.

If you’re curious about how this could work for you, let’s chat.

Together, we might make something brilliant.

Yours curiously,

Richard Hale

Oh, and if you need a bit more convincing, take a listen to these two.